This is a cool thing to test out. Build a node for the lightning network with a raspberry pi.
Imagine architecting a secure future using the most disruptive technologies on the planet. Blockchain, AI, computer vision - these innovations will transform every industry. But capitalizing on them requires a rare blend of vision, technical excellence, and business strategy. This is where I excel. I combine a prolific inventor's mindset with pragmatic execution honed at the highest levels.
This is a cool thing to test out. Build a node for the lightning network with a raspberry pi.
Supply plains and logistics are like black boxes. So a connected global world with 3000 parts everywhere and nowhere and unknown ...
Cardano is a fascinating study the more and more I dig deep into it. Things like RINA, sidechains, Ouroboros POS. Plus it's all peer reviewed multiple times and attempts to build and design a highly Assurant platform is really impressive.
Time will tell if it's ever released and used as they dream. But technology wise , I sure hope they keep plugging away and making a great blockchain 3.0 system.
Cardano is an ambitious journey and just might be one of the best blockchain platforms , Technically speaking. And I think you can use some Haskell like programming concepts with it. However, even though it's really received some love lately it's like the quiet blockchain for various reasons.
Hopefully more and more people discover it and start using it. Maybe I will attempt something this week on it. If I can.
Very ambitious project to help change healthcare around the world. Lots of opportunities and challenges. Open source and a market place for others to add on top. Will be something great to be involved in and follow.
Citizen Health for the people and by the people.
So blockchain vs dags is coming. Blocks and tangles. Graph theory. DAGs are (directed acylic graphs). It's used a lot in big data technologies now like spark and tez and impala. But in the blockchain space you now have IOTA and Hashgraph doing more of tangles and DAG theory vs blockchains, but both these have detractors as in not much evidence they actually have a working implementation as they claim.
Time will tell.
In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity and infosec, the convergence of cutting-edge emerging technologies like Large Language Models (L...